anatomy and physiology mcqs

Question #346

Considering the nasal cavity, which of the following statements is true?

Bones which form the borders of the nasal cavity: ethmoid, nasal, palatine, vomer, maxilla, sphenoid, lacrimal, inferior concha, frontal.

The nasal septum is cartilaginous anteriorly and bony posteriorly. Small crests from the maxilla and palatine bones contribute to a small area of the inferior septum.

The inferior concha is a separate bone. The middle and superior conchae are part of the ethmoid bone.

Fracture of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone may result in tearing of the overlying meninges and subsequent CSF leak (rhinorrhoea).

There are five nasal cartilages: two lateral cartilages, two alar cartilages and a septal cartilage

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