anatomy and physiology mcqs

Question #549

Which cranial nerve is associated with a parasympathetic ganglion?

The oculomotor nerve carries pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus to the ciliary ganglia. From here the short ciliary branches of the nasociliary branch of the ophthalmic nerve (V1) carries post-ganglionic parasympathetic fibres to the ciliary muscle and constrictor pupillae.

The facial nerve carries pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the superior salivatory nucleus to the pterygopalatine ganglia via the greater petrosal nerve. From here the zygomatic branches of the maxillary nerve (V2) carries post-ganglionic parasympathetic fibres to the lacrimal gland.

The facial nerve carries pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the superior salivatory nucleus to the submandibular ganglia via the chorda tympani. From here the lingual branch of the mandibular nerve (V3) carries post-ganglionic parasympathetic fibres to the sublingual and submandibular glands.

The glossopharyngeal nerve carries pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the inferior salivatory nucleus to the otic ganglia via the lesser petrosal nerve. From here the auriculotemporal branch of the ophthalmic nerve (V1) carries post-ganglionic parasympathetic fibres to the parotid gland.

The vagus nerve carries pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve to a large number of intramural ganglia in the thorax and abdomen – they have no specific name.

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